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Sport Premium

Sport Premium 2023-24

What is the ‘Sport Premium’?

In April 2013, the Government announced new funding of £150 million for Physical Education (PE) and Sport – often referred to as a ‘Sport Premium’. This funding is used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision. 

The Sport Premium funding allows children to engage in regular physical activity, have access to a wide range of sporting activities, increases the amount of competitive sport that they can play and boosts the confidence and knowledge of the staff in teaching PE and sport. This raises the profile of PE and sport across the school.

Current provision

Our current PE curriculum offers children the opportunity to take part in a variety of different sporting activities. As a school, we offer a range of extracurricular clubs including: football, netball and gymnastics. We also have several leadership opportunities for our pupils including: sixty Year five pupils being trained as sports leaders and two Year six children being chosen as our Bronze Ambassadors. We have also attended more competitive sporting events than in the previous academic year-combined with an increase in pupils attending an after-school sports club.

We are delighted to have been awarded the Gold award for the school games mark. This means that there has been a significant engagement in the School Games (including keeping young people active), against a national benchmark.